Bill Miekoski - JDM Impressions

Working remotely, like we do at JDM, doesn’t mean being disconnected from colleagues. As part of our culture-building initiative, and to introduce the digital marketing world to our awesome team members, we regularly peel back the curtain on the lives of JDMers. This week, we’ll get to know Performance Marketing Specialist, Bill Miekoski!

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Name: Bill Miekoski
Position: Performance Marketing Specialist 
Location: Seaside Heights, NJ



When did you begin working at JDM?
March 2022.


How did you know JDM was the right fit for you?
The work being done here is awesome. Once I was exposed to all the different thought processes behind strategies used across clients, it was a quick realization that I could learn a lot of things to improve my own approach to digital marketing. 


What’s your favorite part of the workday?
Overall, I love working remotely, but it’s also a great feeling whenever I get into a “groove” with my projects and time starts to fly. Listening to music without any vocals really helps to get me into the zone.


What’s the most gratifying part of working with your clients?
I love whenever you can demonstrate a positive effect was directly related to an action that our team implemented or suggested. There’s nothing better than being proved right, especially when trying to drive success for a client. Every client views success differently, which makes it that much more rewarding.


In a remote company, how do you stay connected with your team?
I try my best to attend as many internal meetings as possible when it comes to getting to know team members. Everyone has different perspectives and hobbies, which makes these conversations so interesting. This is especially true when you work with people located all over the country.


What three words would you use to describe the JDM culture?
Enlightening. Challenging. Rewarding.


What's something you love about JDM?
The people! The conversations are fun and interesting, and it’s always a great feeling when you’re surrounded by smart people who you can grow with together.


Can you recall a time when JDM challenged you, and how we supported you through that time?
In the agency world, some weeks can be busier than others. When things get extra-busy, it always feels like my peers and leadership are mindful and attentive. 


What’s the best thing you’ve done with your unlimited PTO? 
I took a cruise to the Caribbean!  Had so much fun that I forgot to take many pictures.

Bill's photo of a cruise ship.Bill's photo of his window's view.

Bill's photo of breakfast.Bill's photo of the Caribbean beach.

Bill's photo of the Caribbean beach at night.


What's something you love about the marketing industry?
Really trying to get into the mindset of my target audience and thinking like the end user.  This can be a fun exercise whenever trying to put the pieces of the marketing puzzle together.


What do you think has been the most interesting change in the marketing industry or in your channel this year?
GA4 entering the fold while Universal Analytics goes away. It feels like we’ve been talking about this forever, and it’s finally coming to fruition.


What digital marketing platform, technology, or skill do you see gaining the most traction in the next 1-2 years, and why?
AI is obviously paving the way for a groundbreaking way to approach digital marketing when it comes to understanding customer behaviors and even messaging. It’s going to be interesting to learn how this gets leveraged alongside more manual approaches.


What are the names and ages of your kids (or furbabies)?
My dog, Kahlua (AKA Kalu / AKA Lu), is around 2 years old. 

Bill's dog, Kahlua, on the deck.Bill's dog, Kahlua, on the couch.

Closeup of Bill's dog, Kahlua.Bill's dog, Kahlua, in the grass.


What's something you've implemented or tested, and what was the outcome?
Recently I called out to a client that we were seeing a predominant amount of leads from our B-Corp marketing audience come from food and beverage companies. We agreed we should jump on this opportunity to specifically target food and beverage marketers during “B-Corp” month with hyper-focused messaging for their industry. This ultimately did not lead to the results we had hoped for, but it’s always exciting to be able to provide meaningful insights that translate to being in complete lockstep in terms of strategy with a client.


What’s a project that you’ve worked on that you’ve really enjoyed?
Any chance to dig in and get familiar with a new platform is exciting!  I’m currently working on providing recommendations for campaign and testing strategies on a new (to me) platform, Quora.

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