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Click Through Reads #19: Facebook Redesign, Google Performance Planner, and Microsoft Editor Updates — Jordan Digital Marketing

Written by Johanna Gumbrill | Aug 27, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Welcome to another week of Click Through Reads! There are more designs happening, this week it’s the Facebook mobile app that is getting a redesign. There are two main features that are getting a big focus, we cover that as a main story today. We also cover IG direct conversation updates, new Google performance planner features, and Microsoft Editor updates. 

In non-marketing news, Starbucks released the Pumpkin Spice Latte this week, which seems cruel considering the entire United States is either having a huge heatwave, wildfires, or hurricanes. We hope everyone is staying safe this week and look forward to some Fall weather soon. 

Top News

Send Ads to Start IG Direct Conversation

Facebook released a new message destination for ads. Previously ads could send people to start a new conversation with a business on Messenger or WhatsApp Business. Now ads can direct users to start a new conversation in Instagram DMs. If you choose this objective, ads will only run on Instagram and will be shown to people more likely to chat on Instagram Direct.

New Facebook Redesign Focuses Less on News Feed

Emphasising the top two utilized Facebook features, Groups and Events, the main Facebook mobile app was given a redesign this week. “There are tens of millions of active groups on Facebook. When people find the right one, it often becomes the most meaningful part of how they use Facebook. And today, more than 400 million people on Facebook belong to a group that they find meaningful,” Facebook said in their blog post announcement. 

This redesign is rolling out immediately on mobile and is set to also be on desktop in the upcoming months. The most noticeable change is a new groups tab that lives above the News Feed. Users can easily access their current groups, and will get personalized updates for their groups as well as recommendations for new groups to join based on their interests.