How to Work on Constructive Feedback from Your Yearly Review

I like to embrace the new year's fresh start as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. Professionally, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past year and address the constructive feedback you may have received in your year-end review. 

Constructive feedback is a powerful tool, after all, and who better to present you with feedback than your manager, someone whose role and success are intertwined with yours?


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Here are three steps to effectively address and improve upon constructive feedback.


1. Reflect and ask follow-up questions

Receiving feedback, even the constructive kind, can be challenging at times. Remember that your manager is committed to your growth and development, and they are providing you with a valuable tool to enhance your skills, boost work performance, and advance your career. Ideally, your manager would have provided you with specific examples, but if they didn’t, don’t hesitate to ask follow-up questions or seek clarification if needed. Be sure to take time to process the feedback and think of additional areas where you can apply it.


2. Develop a plan to address the feedback

Creating a strategy to act on feedback will help keep you accountable and guide your process – and help you prioritize anything that’s particularly urgent and impactful. Many find it useful to utilize tools like project management software or trackers to set milestones and due dates for more efficient tracking. Whatever your methods, make sure to develop your plans using SMART goals that guide your strategy and help you monitor progress and stay on target.


3. Go over your plan with the person who gave you feedback

Lastly, review your plan with the individual who provided the feedback. It’s important to make sure you are in alignment with your manager, so give them the chance to provide suggestions, resources, or additional insight that can help you implement your plan. Being proactive with a plan to address a manager’s feedback is a great way to show you’ve heard them and are working on something they find important, and getting alignment on the plan will put you on a solid path to growth in the new year.



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