Facebook Ads Scorecard: Free Audit Tool

Inheriting a Facebook Ads account, or starting one from scratch, is an extremely daunting task. Facebook accounts require properly setting up business manager and ads manager accounts, careful organization of campaign names and ad sets, catchy copy, good creative… the list is exhaustive. Keeping all of those elements straight can be a challenge, so we created our Facebook Ads Scorecard so you don’t have to! 

You should certainly run down this checklist whenever you start a new account, or inherit one from someone else, but it’s also a great way to assess account health of an existing account. Our Facebook Ads Scorecard is a simple checklist that should give you a lot of insight into the health of the account. 

Use the scorecard any time you need to do a quick pulse check on your account health, if your score is lower than you expected, reach out to us for a full audit of your account absolutely free.

The Facebook Ads Scorecard should take an hour or two to complete. Each item doesn’t have to be in use for the account to run well, but they are items to consider. 

Here’s a link to download the scorecard.

Here’s a breakdown of what we cover in the scorecard: 


Account Set up and Structure

  • Facebook has a lot of complexity to its set up: Business Manager, Ads Manager, Pixels, and conversion events all need to be set up properly, among other things.

  • Make sure you have the proper foundation for a successful program.


Campaign Structure

  • Making sure you have the right objectives and campaign types set up for different stages of the funnel will make or break your campaigns on Facebook.


Ad Sets

  • When was the last time you made sure your ad set targeting options are set up properly? 

  • You could be targeting people regardless of language or location. 


Audiences and Targeting

  • If you don’t have retargeting set up, you could be leaving a lot of revenue on the table. 

  • Make sure you’re targeting the right audiences.



  • Are your ads optimized with the right creative and the right copy?

  • Are you testing enough ad variations? 


Landing Pages

  • The best ad in the world linked to the wrong (or just a sub-par) landing page is going to be a big waste of ad dollars. 


Whether you’re taking over a new account and need to make sure you get things set up for success, or you are trying to make sure that your team is doing the right things to be successful, or you just need to do some account cleanup, this scorecard can be your guide to success.

Be sure to download it and let us know if you need help with your accounts, or if you’d like a similar guide for another ad platform!


Also check out our Google Ads Scorecard here!


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