Link Cards for Brand Queries: Are Your Listings Ready?

If AI Overviews’ link cards for brand queries weren’t enough reason for you to do a deep dive into your brand’s listings on external sites, maybe this will motivate you.

Google is testing link cards for brand queries outside AI Overviews, too. We recently saw this on a “working at liftlab” query that returned regular search results, not AI Overviews: 

Yes, the first link (as you would expect) is the brand’s site. But where you would expect the second card to be a link to the brand’s job listings, we’re being pointed toward…Glassdoor. And then Crunchbase.

So what does this tell us?

First, whether it shows up in AI Overviews or more traditional SERPs, Google is pulling the results from profiles it deems most relevant to the query. If I’m at LiftLab, this result adds a high-priority initiative to my list to audit relevant webpages for all brand keywords in focus – and it should be a hint for you to do the same.

Second, whether it’s Crunchbase or Clutch or G2 or any other third-party site where you can add and edit company listings, make sure your information and positioning is current. If Google is going to cite external sources, control what you can control with the content.

Third, if you have a Glassdoor profile – and/or similar profiles where you can’t control reviews content – make sure you have a dedicated person on your team to interact with comments and reviews. 

Yes, you should be doing all of these things anyway, but Google may have just upped the ante by creating more real estate for other properties to control the narrative about your brand.

Keep an eye on the JDM blog for more updates – we’re keeping an extremely close eye on ripple effects as AI Overviews and other AI-generated content infiltrates the SERPs.


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